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Little Blossom Organic Brown Rice Puffs | Apple & Broccoli

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Little Blossom's brown rice puffs are the perfect on the go snack for your baby!  Our puffs are 100% natural, made with organic ingredients, contains no added sugar, salt or preservatives and are gluten-free.

100% organic ingredients
Brown jasmine rice, corn flour, rice bran oil, apple powder, broccoli powder 

Halal certified

Little Blossom Organic Puffs Halal Logo Apple Broccoli

Serving Recommendation
Suitable for little ones aged 9 months and above. For babies who just started solids, mix puffs with milk to make it softer. Also great to serve as a healthy snack or breakfast for toddlers, kids and even adults! 

Storage Guide
Store in a dry place at room temperature. Once opened, reseal tightly and use within 7 days for maximum freshness.